Tuesday 26 November 2013

Contact Lenses or Eyeglasses for Your Failing Sight

Contact Lenses or Eyeglasses
Contact Lenses are a thin piece of plastic that has been made into a prescription lenses. There are both aesthetics and cosmetic reasons to wear contact lenses. Contact lenses will give the person a better peripheral vision. The lenses do not collect moister blurring vision in rain or fog. This makes contact lenses good to wear for winter and for sports. Contact lens wearers can wear scuba diving masks easier, sunglasses or other glasses frame. 

Traditional eyeglasses are a frame of plastic or metal made to hold two prescription lenses in place, over your eyes.The prescription lenses can be coated with different shades of UV protection to protect the eyes from sunlight. Traditional prescription glasses have open areas the lenses do not cover. They are safer to wear because there is a very low chance of eye infections. Prescription glasses can be tinted fo eye protection. 

The choice among traditional and contact lenses is really a matter of what you will be using them for. For instance, if you are working on a computer for hours at a time you are better off using traditional lenses. The traditional lenses can be coated with a screening against the computer light. If you are playing sports or swimming contacts would be a better choice. Remember, before any decision is made on which type of corrective eyewear to wear you should talk it over your ophthalmologist or your eye doctor.

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