Monday 25 November 2013

My Fellows: Recharge Smartphones with Your Sunglasses

Smartphones with Your Sunglasses
A group of students have helped Ray Brown develop a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses with a solar panel in them. The idea came to them while they where outside on a hot day. The idea of a lot of light hitting your face turned into the perfect place to collect solar energy. The idea was so simple and ingenious. After much hard work designing and improving on the design they came up with a pair. Next came the trial period .Where the design was worked on some more. Once they got them working, it was time to celebrate this special sunglasses. 

This kind of glasses with a side clip of mini solar panels are worn during the day. The solar sunglasses store up the energy and in the evening the Smartphones can be recharged.This happens when this special sunglasses are taken apart and plugged into the smartphone via a micro USB. When the Smartphone has been charged the glasses are put back together ready to collect the solar energy again. 

This new kind of Solar sunglasses will probably be manufactured early next year and be available to the public next summer. They are being tested right now to be sure all the bugs have been worked out. This is going to revolutionize the way we think about solar power. With the availability of solar power to recharge smartphones without the cumbersome plug in devices it wont be long until someone improves on this idea. All kinds of rechargeable devices will be using solar energy.

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